How to grow salvia
All you need to know about planting, propagating and caring for all kinds of salvias, in our Grow Guide.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
Plant | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||||
Flowers | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||||
Prune | yes | |||||||||||
Cut Back | yes | yes | yes | yes |
This article has been checked for horticultural accuracy by Oliver Parsons.
Salvias (ornamental sages) are a must in the summer garden. They come in a vast range of forms and colours, and their nectar-rich flowers are a magnet for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. They flower for months on end, often from midsummer until the first frosts, and many have aromatic foliage, too. The name ‘salvia’ derives from the Latin salveo, meaning ‘I heal’ or ‘I save’. The culinary herb, Salvia officinalis, was used as a healing plant by the Romans and ancient Greeks, and is part of the huge Salvia genus.
Salvias look good in almost all planting schemes. They are great in a mixed or herbaceous border and are ideal for underplanting roses – they begin flowering just as the roses are going over, and are said to keep mildew and black spot at bay. Some also look at home in a tropical or exotic planting scheme, alongside dahlias, bananas and cannas. Many salvias are ideal for a coastal garden and are often a key plant in a dry garden. They grow very well in pots, too, making long-lasting displays on the patio – check out this salvia, euphorbia and pelargonium pot.
The spikes of tubular, lipped flowers come in almost every colour imaginable, from white and pastel pink to deep purples, magenta, scarlet and electric blue. The size and appearance of salvias can vary greatly, and they can be divided into four main types:
Annual salvias such as Salvia farinacea, Salvia horminum and Salvia splendens are grown as vibrant summer bedding before being discarded at the end of the season.
Herbaceous perennial salvias such as Salvia nemorosa and Salvia x sylvestris are hardy and come back year after year. Cut these back after their first flowers fade in July for another display later in the summer.
Tender perennial salvias such as Salvia greggii and Salvia elegans can come back year after year, but are not completely hardy and may need protection over winter.
Shrubby salvias such as Salvia x jamensis and Salvia microphylla are sub-shrubs with woody stems. Most are hardy and some are evergreen in mild winters, but they may also need protection in winter.
How to grow salvias
All salvias grow best in full sun, in free-draining soil. Deadhead to prolong flowering. Salvias may be lost over the winter if the soil is very cold and wet, so take cuttings at the end of the summer to insure against winter losses. Alternatively, grow tender varieties in pots and keep in a frost-free spot over winter. Wait until late spring to cut back old growth as this helps to give them a level of protection against the cold.
Growing salvia: jump links
- Planting salvia
- Caring for salvia
- Propagating salvia
- Growing salvia: problem solving
- Where to buy salvia
- Salvias to grow
Where to grow salvias

All salvias thrive in a sunny spot. They need free-draining soil and thrive on stony or poor soils. If you are gardening on heavy clay, you will need to improve the soil before planting. All salvias are likely to die in waterlogged soil in winter.
How to plant salvias

The best time to plant tender salvias is from late May to early June, after the risk of late frosts has passed, but other salvias can also be planted out in April or early May, and in early autumn if your soil is not too heavy.
- Before planting, trim back the plant a little to encourage sturdy, bushy growth
- On heavy soils, such as clay, add some horticultural grit to the planting hole to improve drainage
- Dig a hole just a little bigger than the pot your plant came in. Plant your salvia at the same depth it was in the pot
- Backfill with soil, firm in and water in well
If you’re growing annual salvias in containers, use peat-free, multi-purpose compost. For perennials use a compost with added loam for greater longevity and a little horticultural grit or sand for extra drainage. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes at the bottom, and sit the pot on feet for better drainage if it will be outside through winter.
Where to buy salvia online
How to care for salvia plants

Once established, salvias in the ground should get all the moisture they need from rainfall, and they are generally drought tolerant. However, summer rain rarely reaches the compost in pots, being diverted from the pot by leaves and stems, so salvias growing in containers need watering regularly.
There is no need to feed plants growing in the ground – they will produce foliage at the expense of flowers. Feed salvias in pots from late spring to early autumn, with a high-potash feed such as tomato food. Deadhead or cut back to keep new flowers coming.
In this Golden Rules video, William Dyson of salvia specialist Dyson’s Nurseries reveals his three top tips for growing salvias successfully, including when to water and feed them.
Protecting salvia plants in winter

To ensure that you can enjoy salvias from year to year, take cuttings in late summer.
In mild areas, mulch tender salvias with a 10cm layer of well-rotted manure or garden compost to protect them from frost. In colder areas, lift them as you would dahlias and overwinter them in pots indoors.
Don’t cut back salvias in autumn – wait until late spring, as the foliage gives a degree of protection from winter frosts. In late spring, cut back the top growth to quite low down on the plant, above the fresh shoots appearing at the base.
How to take salvia cuttings

Salvia cuttings can be taken in April, August or September. This will give you lots of new plants that you can plant in your garden or give away.
- Select and cut non-flowering stems at about 8cm long
- Remove the lower leaves and reduce the surface area of the remaining leaves by cutting them in half across the midrib
- Trim the stem to just below a node (leaf junction)
- Insert cuttings into a pot of pre-watered cutting compost with added perlite for drainage
- Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag – try to avoid the bag touching the foliage
- Place cuttings in a cool greenhouse and put up shading to prevent scorching from strong sunlight
- After three weeks, cuttings should be ready to pot on
In this video, Monty Don explains which salvia shoots make good cuttings, what compost mix they need to root successfully, how to trim the cuttings, and the best conditions to aid root development.
Growing salvia plants: problem solving
Pests and diseases are rarely an issue for salvias. Keeping plants through the winter is the biggest challenge. Plants growing in wet clay soil over winter may die.
Some plants hit by frost in winter may re-emerge from the base in spring; however, if the plant is showing no signs of regrowth by mid-June, it has probably died.
Advice on buying salvia plants
- Make sure you buy the right salvia for your space – there’s a wide variety to choose from and some are hardier than others
- Ensure that you have the right conditions for growing salvias – the vast majority like full sun and free-draining soil
- Check your salvia for signs of damage, making sure the leaves are healthy and there are plenty of flower buds
Where to buy salvias online
Great salvia varieties to grow
Salvia ‘Amistad’

Salvia ‘Amistad’ is a half-hardy perennial. It is long-flowering and particularly floriferous, with rich-purple flowers. It's often still blooming when the first frosts arrive, and is a good food source for late-season pollinators. Height x Spread: 1.2m x 50cm
- Buy Salvia ‘Amistad’ from Crocus
- Buy Salvia ‘Amistad’ from Dobies
- Buy Salvia ‘Amistad’ from Sarah Raven
Salvia nemorosa

Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ (balkan clary) is a hardy perennial with spires of electric-blue flowers in July to early September. Deadhead to prolong flowering or simply cut back hard in July for a second flush.
H x S: 50cm x 50cm
- Buy Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ from Thompson & Morgan
- Buy Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ from Sarah Raven
Salvia x jamensis ‘Hot Lips’

Salvia x jamensis ‘Hot Lips’ is a striking shrubby salvia with bi-coloured red and white flowers. It is a frost hardy but may need some winter protection, particularly through wet periods. Other 'lips' cultivars are also available, including 'Amethyst Lips' and 'Cherry Lips'. H x S: 90cm x 60cm
Salvia nemorosa
‘Ostfriesland’ (balkan sage)

Salvia nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’ (also sold as 'East Friesland') is a hardy perennial which is extremely popular with pollinators. It bears tall spikes of purple flowers from June to September. H x S: 60cm x 45cm
Salvia patens (gentian sage)

Few flowers match the vivid blue blooms of Salvia patens, which contrast beautifully with the deep-green foliage. It is hardy in mild parts of the UK; in colder areas, mulch or lift the tubers, as with dahlias. Watch out for slugs, which enjoy the young shoots. H x S: 75cm x 50cm
Salvia microphylla ‘Cerro Potosi’

Salvia microphylla ‘Cerro Potosi’ is a hardy evergreen shrub with aromatic leaves and striking neon-pink flowers from midsummer to late autumn. H x S: 90cm x 75cm.
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Viola Klose’

Salvia x sylvestris ‘Viola Klose’ is an attractive hardy salvia with radiant violet flower spires. It is an excellent alternative to lavender, flowering over a long period. H x S: 50cm x 50cm
Salvia Love and Wishes

Love and Wishes has a generous flowering period, usually from June to November. Its rich pink-purple flowers, deep-burgundy stems and a tidy growth habit make this a great choice for containers. H x S: 80cm x 40cm
Salvia uliginosa (bog sage)

As its name suggests, this sage prefers a moist (but not waterlogged) soil. This tall plant has clear blue flowers and is a good option for the back of a border, but it will spread strongly when in the right conditions. H x S: 2m x 90cm
Salvia x jamensis ‘Nachtvlinder’

Velvety, purple-hooded flowers in summer and autumn. This tender perennial is frost hardy but may need some winter protection. H x S: 75cmm x 50cm
Frequently asked questions
What’s attacking my Salvia ‘Amistad’?
If your salvia foliage has lots of small holes that give the leaves a lacy appearance, they could be being eaten by capsid bugs. These small bugs have sucking mouthparts that they use to feed on sap. They are part of natural garden ecosystems and plants do not normally suffer lasting damage.
Should I take my Salvia ‘Amistad’ in over winter?
Salvia ‘Amistad’ has a hardiness rating of H3, which means it's hardy down to around -5°C. In some milder areas of the UK, this should be sufficient for the plant to be left outside over winter, especially if it's protected with a 10cm layer of well-rotted manure or garden compost. But in other areas plants will need to be taken in over winter. Plants in free-draining soil, in a sheltered spot in full sun, are more likely to survive the colder months. Leaving the old stems and cutting back in spring also helps to protect plants.
Can you recommend a salvia that is slug resistant?
Shrubby salvias such as Salvia microphylla and Salvia greggii are more slug resistant. Popular varieties include Salvia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’ and Salvia greggii ‘Strawberries and Cream’.