Lupins are a cottage-garden favourite, offering height and colour to the middle of a border in May and June. They bear impressive, pea-like flowers, which are loved by bumblebees. They make a perfect cut flower.


How to grow lupins at home

Plant lupins in full sun to partial shade, in moist but well-drained soil. Protect young plants from slugs and snails. Cut the flowers back after blooming and propagate from basal cuttings in spring.

More on growing lupins:

See below for more detailed advice on growing lupins.

Where to grow lupins

How to grow lupins - where to grow lupins
How to grow lupins - where to grow lupins

Lupins do best in full sun or dappled shade, in moist but well-drained soil. Like many other perennials with tall flowers, lupins benefit from a sheltered position.

Grow them towards the back of a border. Avoid planting them in containers as they grow weakly and can be susceptible to aphid attacks – they grow much better in the ground.

Although a traditional cottage garden plant, lupins can be planted in more contemporary planting schemes. Try growing them in large drifts among ornamental grasses, for an unusual effect.

Where to buy lupins online

How to plant lupins

Dig a planting hole in a well-drained soil. Plant and firm in place. Water and provide a plant support if planting in summer. Young plants tend to establish better in the garden than larger, more mature specimens.

How to propagate lupins

Sowing lupin seeds
How to grow lupins - sowing lupin seeds

Lupins do not come true to type from seed, so lupins grown from seed are likely to flower in a mix of colours. Lupins can be divided in spring (not autumn) but division can be tricky as plants have a strong central tap root. The easiest way to propagate lupins is by taking basal cuttings in spring. Lupins will also self-seed in the garden, so lifting the seedlings with a garden trowel and potting them on, in is also a great way to generate new plants.

Growing lupins: problem solving

Spring shoots of lupins are prone to slug and snail damage, so be vigilant against attack. Protect lupins with copper tape or wildlife-friendly slug pellets, or pick slugs and snails off the plants every evening. The lupin aphid (Macrosiphum albifrons) can also be a problem for lupins. These grey aphids can form large colonies and gradually weaken the plant. Birds and other predators should manage aphid infestations naturally but if you don't see signs of the colonies abating, cut off very infested flower spikes and spray with blast of water from your hose. You can use chemical control, but bear in mind that these chemicals also harm, and can kill, bees.

Caring for lupins

Deadheading spent lupin flowers
How to grow lupins - deadheading a lupin

Deadhead lupins once flowers have faded and you should be rewarded with a second flush of flowers. In autumn, cut lupins right back to the ground after collecting seed. Lupins are not long-lived plants – expect to replace plants after about six years.

Watch this video featuring Debbie Copeman, from Glebelands Nursery, as she reveals her three top tips on caring for lupins, including how to keep away slugs and aphids:

Great lupins to grow:

How to grow lupins - great lupins to grow:
How to grow lupins - great lupins to grow:

Frequently asked questions

Help! My lupins are drooping!

Lupins are prone to drooping if over-watered or under-watered, or after recently having been transplanted. Don't worry – check the soil and if it's dry, give it a good drink. If it's wet, ease off watering for a few days. If you've recently transplanted your lupin, water it every day for a few days until you see signs of new growth. Any drooping parts should perk up but tall flower stems may need to be cut back.

Help! My lupins aren't flowering!

Lupins need full sun to partial shade. If they appear healthy but are not flowering, they may not be getting enough light. If you can give them more sun they should start to bloom. For the best results, try to relocate the plants on a cloudy day and water thoroughly to reduce the shock of transplanting.

Help! My lupins turned brown and died after flowering

It's not normal for lupins to go brown and die after flowering. Normally they stay green for a while and then die down after the first frosts. Your plant may have exhausted itself by flowering or may not have had enough water or nutrients during the growing period. Give the soil a good water and mulch, it may come back next year. 

My lupin stems are flopping to the ground. Is this normal?

If the flower spikes and some leaves are upright but the lower leaves are lying flat on the ground, this is nothing to worry about. This can happen in dry summers and may also be the result of over-feeding, which causes weak, sappy growth. Give your lupin a good drink and ease up on the plant food, if you have been using any. You may wish to remove the lower leaves that are resting on the ground, as they could be harbouring slugs and snails.
