Average Yield:
Multiple leaves per plant
60 apart

Easy-to-grow kale, with its superfood qualities, is a must-have in your home grown vegetable collection.


There are many varieties to choose from, some with handsome foliage that's highly ornamental too, whether you're growing it in veg patches, borders or containers.

Follow the advice in this handy guide to grow your own kale.

Sowing kale seeds
Sowing kale seeds

Sowing kale seeds

Seeds can be sown in modules, indoors, or outdoors in warmer weather and transplanted 6-8 weeks later.

Planting kale seedlings
Planting kale seedlings

Looking after kale plants

Seedlings should be planted firmly into moist but well-drained soil, in full sun to partial shade.

Plants will benefit from adding well-composted manure to the soil before planting. And a good mulch is also helpful to keep plants moist and weed free. Remove any flower shoots to encourage the production of plenty of healthy leaves.

Watch Monty’s video on planting out kale seedlings.

Purple kale leaves
Purple kale leaves

Harvesting kale

Kale can be grown as a cut-and-come-again crop. Young tender leaves can be harvested for salads. If left to mature for winter greens, plants can be left in the ground through the winter and picked as required for soups and stews.

Storing kale

Kale leaves are best used when freshly picked. However, they can be blanched and then frozen to store for later use.

Curly kale leaves
Curly kale leaves

Preparation and uses of kale

Delicious steamed or fried, kale leaves are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins.

Looking for inspiration on how to use your crop? Our friends at olive have curated a delicious collection of kale recipes, including a cheesy kale and gnocchi parmesan bake.

Damaged kale plant
Damaged kale plant

Kale: problem solving

Another good reason for growing kale is that it's a relatively pest-free member of the Brassica family. The biggest problem comes from greedy birds, so use bird scarers and net your crops.


Organic tip

If left to flower, kale plants can be a vital source of nectar and pollen for early bees.
Kale 'Ragged Jack'
Kale 'Ragged Jack'

Kale varieties to try

  • ‘Cavolo Nero’ – a handsome Italian kale, with long, plume-like leaves that are very ornamental in winter, particularly when dusted with frost
  • ‘Black Tuscany’ or 'Nero di Toscana’ – has green, crinkled, strap-like leaves. It is good for winter or spring greens, and can be grown as an ornamental plant
  • ‘Ragged Jack’ or ‘Russian Red’ – an heirloom variety, with frilly, red-tinged leaves and purple-red stems; it will easily self-seed
  • ‘Scarlet Curled’ – an ornamental, dwarf, curled variety with violet-green leaves that turn violet-red after frost
  • ‘Dwarf Green Curled’ – a highly ornamental, dwarf variety with curly, dark green leaves, as its name suggests