How to grow and care for a heather plant
All you need to know about growing winter- and summer-flowering heathers.
Heathers are low-growing, evergreen shrubs, typically found on heathland and moorland. There are several different types, which flower at different times of the year in a variety of colours, including white, pink, purple and red. All thrive in acid soils although some are more tolerant of neutral to alkaline soils.
Winter- and spring-flowering heathers provide an important early source of food for bees.
Heathers comprise three closely related genera – Calluna, Erica and Daboecia. To tell them apart you can look at their leaves: Calluna has small, scale-like leaves, Erica has needle-like leaves and Daboecia has small, oval to lance-shaped foliage.
Calluna heathers flower in summer and autumn. These acid-loving species need a light, sandy but nutrient-rich soil, with a pH of 6.5 or less.
Erica heathers typically flower in winter and spring (there are some summer-flowering species). They are more tolerant of neutral to alkaline soils and will grow well in soils with a pH of 7 or higher, as long as the soil has been enriched with organic matter.
Daboecia heathers flower in spring, summer or autumn (depending on the species) and need a sandy, acid soil to thrive.
How to grow heather plant
For the best results, grow heather in acidic, free-draining soil in full sun.
Where to grow heather

All heathers thrive in acid soil, in full sun to partial shade, although winter- and spring-flowering Erica carnea and Erica × darleyensis, and summer-flowering Erica vagans will tolerate neutral to alkaline soil (with a pH of 7 or more), especially if the soil has been enriched with well-rotted organic matter such as manure or compost.
They work well in container displays and at the front of a border, as well as rock gardens.
How to plant heather

Plant heather at the same depth it was growing its previous pot, gently firm the soil around the plant and water well, ideally with rainwater. It's a good idea to add a mulch of bark chippings or leaf mould to suppress weeds and keep the soil acidic.
How to care for heather

Heather plants need very little care. Pot-grown heathers will need feeding during the growing season – choose a fertiliser formulated for ericaceous plants and follow the instructions on the bottle or packet.
Mulch annually to keep soil nutrient levels high, maintain the soil pH and improve soil structure. Mulch acid-loving heathers with leaf mould or bark chippings, and alkaline-tolerant heathers with well-rotted manure or compost.
Most heathers should be cut back to the base after flowering – they don't grow well from old wood, so discard any that have become woody and leggy. The exception to this rule is the tree heather (Erica arborea). For the first couple of years after planting, prune back by two-thirds. Thereafter, little pruning is necessary. Other tree heathers, Erica australis and Erica lusitanica should be cut back after flowering.
Growing heather: problem-solving
Heathers suffer few problems. However, if the soil becomes too alkaline, heather foliage may turn yellow. In this case, feed with an ericaceous fertiliser in late March or early April, and mulch with leaf mould or bark chippings.
Advice on buying heather
- Make sure you're buying the right heather for your garden – acid loving heathers won't grow in alkaline soils
- Heathers are widely available from garden centres but you'll find a greater range online
Where to buy heather
Types of heather to grow
Erica arborea var. alpina ‘Albert’s Gold’

Tree heather, Erica arborea var. alpina 'Albert's Gold' bears soft, golden-green foliage on tall, upright plants, with fragrant white flowers.
Flowers: February-March
Height x spread: 1.5m x 80cm
Erica carnea alba ‘Whitehall’

Winter-flowering heather with dainty white bells with chocolate anthers. A striking variety and perfect for cutting. Upright habit.
Flowers: December-March.
H x S: 30cm x 20cm
Erica x darleyensis ‘Darley Dale’

This pretty pink-and-cream winter-flowering variety flowers over a long period.
Flowers: December-April
H x S: 30cm x 60cm
Erica x veitchii ‘Exeter’

Erica x veitchii 'Exeter' is a winter-flowering heather, bearing tall spikes of slightly almond-scented, white flowers in late winter and spring.
Flowers: January-April
H x S: 2m x 2m
Erica carnea ‘Vivellii’

Gorgeous pink-purple blooms are enhanced by rich bronze winter foliage.
Flowers: January-March
H x S: 15cm x 50cm
Calluna vulgaris

Summer-flowering heather comes in a range of colours, including pink (pictured.
Flowers: August-October
H x S: 20cm x 35cm
Frequently asked questions
Is it possible to divide heather?
Heather is a woody shrub and therefore cannot be divided. The easiest way to propagate new heather plants from old is to take semi-ripe cuttings from mid-summer to autumn, depending on the genus: take cuttings from Erica and Daboecia heathers in July and August, but wait until August and September to take cuttings from Calluna heathers.
Help! My heather is turning brown!
Many heathers turn brown in winter, and then grow again in spring. This is nothing to worry about. However, a brown heather that doesn't regrow is most likely dead. If only part of the plant is brown, remove the brown parts, check the plant has enough water – if it's growing in a pot make sure the compost is thoroughly wetted before leaving to drain – and keep an eye on it. Remember that Daboecia and Calluna heathers need acidic soil to thrive, so if you have planted them into alkaline soil they will eventually die.
What can I plant with heathers?
Lots of plants grow well with heathers. Acid-loving plants such as rhodoenderons and azaleas work well, as do spring bulbs such as crocus and grape hyacinths. Other perennials such as heuchera, cyclamen, and bleeding heart also work well with smaller heathers, particularly when planted at the front of a bed. Some types of ornamental grasses work as a good backdrop to heathers, providing contrast.