How to grow deutzia
All you need to know about growing deutzia, in our Grow Guide, with advice from Alan Titchmarsh
Deutzias are easy to grow, hardy deciduous shrubs that make beautiful displays of massed pink or white flowers in early to mid-summer. Numerous small five-petalled cup or saucer shaped flowers are borne profusely in clusters or racemes along twiggy arching branches, contrasting with mid-green toothed-edged leaves.
There are many different deutzia species and cultivated varieties and plant size varies considerably – the most compact types reach just 60cm high. A number of deutzia varieties grow to 1.2-1.8m high and wide, with the largest attaining a height and spread of 3m, so choosing the right one for a particular site is important.
Deutzias make excellent shrubs for garden borders but do have a relatively short period of interest, so underplant with perennials and bulbs in spring to extend the season of interest. Some older deutzias develop attractive peeling bark and birds often pick this off and use in nest building. Deutzias are easy to grow and tolerate a wide range of growing conditions.
How to grow deutzia
Plant deutzia, preferably when plants are dormant, into well-prepared soil. Mulch and feed annually. No regular is pruning required, but do thin out overgrown plants by selective renovation pruning. Propagate by cuttings in summer or winter.
More on growing deutzia:
Deutzia: jump links
- Planting deutzia
- Caring for deutzia
- Pruning deutzia
- Propagating deutzia
- Growing deutzia: problem-solving
- Buying deutzia
- Varieties of deutzia to grow
Where to grow deutzia
Grow deutzia in full sun or partial shade in garden borders or a woodland garden. Large deutzia varieties make good single specimens to plant in grass. Deutzias thrive in a wide range of soils and tolerate poor conditions, although perform best in soil that is fertile and well-drained.
How to plant deutzia

Deutzia is hardy and ideally planted in autumn, during mild spells in winter, or early spring. Planting can be done when in full growth in spring/summer as long as plants are watered regularly for the rest of the growing season. Plant with the top of the root ball at the same depth as the soil level, firm in, and water well to settle the soil around the roots.
Caring for deutzia
Once established, deutzia needs little care. As with all border shrubs, a spring mulch of well-rotted organic matter will keep the soil – and hence the plant – in good condition, and an application of a general slow-release fertilizer at the same time will boost growth.
How to prune deutzia
Discover how to prune deutzia after flowering, to produce the best display of flowers next year, in this guide by Alan Titchmarsh. Alan explains why you should remove old wood and why you shouldn't cut the whole shrub back at once.
On older plants, thin out if growth becomes congested, to rejuvenate and encourage new growth, by taking out about a quarter of the oldest stems near to the ground during winter. This lets light and air through the centre and encourages fresh new growth to develop.
How to propagate deutzia

Take softwood cuttings of young non-flowering shoots in summer, semi-ripe cuttings in autumn, or take hardwood cuttings of woody shoots in autumn.
Growing deutzia: problem solving
Deutzia is a trouble-free shrub to grow.
Advice on buying deutzia
- Deutzias are often available at garden centres but for the best selection, buy online. Buy in autumn or winter when plants are dormant and easier to transport
- Check the ultimate size of your chosen shrub, as the sizes can vary considerably
Where to buy deutzia online
Varieties of deutzia to grow

- Deutzia x rosea – compact variety with pink-flushed flowers. Height x Spread: 1m x 1m
- Deutzia 'Raspberry Sundae' – compact variety with pink and white flowers. H x S: 90cm x 90cm
- Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora – white-flowered variety with attractive peeling bark. H xS: 2m x 1.5m
- Deutzia x hybrida 'Strawberry Fields' – soft pink flowers with a delicate fragrance. H x S: 2m x 2m
- Deutzia scabra – medium-sized, with fresh green, serrated foliage and white flowers. H x S: 3m x 3m
- Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' - a low-growing, compact cultivar, bearing racemes of small, gently fragrant white flowers from late spring to early summer. H x S: 80cm x 1.5m
- Deutzia 'Mont Rose' - dark green leaves and dense clusters of star shaped, rose pink flowers. H x S: 1.5m x 1.5m
- Deutzia x elegantissima 'Rosealind' - bears clusters of star-shaped, scented, rose-pink flowers. H x S: 1.2m x 1,5m