There are three ways to grow dahlias: from rooted cuttings, tubers or seed.


Rooted cuttings are usually bought by mail order from specialist nurseries. They are shoots taken from the basal growth of the parent plant the previous winter, rooted into compost and sent out bagged up in plastic, ready for potting up. They usually make smaller plants in their first year, but are big enough for growing in pots, and they flower well. Here's how to grow dahlias from rooted cuttings.

You Will Need

  • Rooted dahlia cuttings
  • 9cm pots
  • Scissors
  • 12cm pots
  • Plant labels

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

Placing the rooted cutting into compost
Placing the rooted cutting into compost

Place the cutting into a 9cm pot and backfill with compost. Firm down.

Step 2

Snipping off dahlia buds
Snipping off dahlia buds

Snip off any buds that form to allow the plant to bulk up. Grow on in 12cm pots.

Step 3

Dahlia plants on a windowsill indoors
Dahlia plants on a windowsill indoors

Keep well watered and harden off outdoors on warm days in May or June.
