Plant Size:
Height: 25000
Spread: 15000

Eucalyptus or gum tree is a fast-growing evergreen tree that looks attractive all year round, thanks to its decorative foliage and bark. Its ornamental leaves are large, grey-green or blue-grey, and the main stems shed their bark to create an appealing patterned ‘snakeskin’ effect. Mature trees may also produce clusters of petal-less flowers in summer. Eucalyptus trees are native to Australia and are therefore suitable for growing in milder areas of UK. They're tolerant of drought once established.


Eucalyptus is easily recognised by its large, waxy, lance-shaped evergreen leaves, which are grey-green or blue-grey in colour and aromatic when crushed. The bark naturally sheds every year to create attractive patterns on the trunk, in colours that vary from white, cream and shades of grey, sometimes with pink or orange tints.

The most commonly grown eucalyptus is the cider gum (Eucalyptus gunnii), which tolerates hard pruning and can be cut back to the ground annually to form a bushy shrub. Kept in this state, it produces rounded, blue-grey juvenile leaves only, which are popular for using in floral arrangements. Smaller-growing eucalyptus suitable for growing as specimen trees include the snow gum (Eucalyptus niphophila) and the round-leaved snow gum (Eucalyptus perriniana).

How to grow eucalyptus

Grow eucalyptus in milder areas of the country, in a sheltered, sunny spot protected from cold winds. Plant in spring or early summer and keep watered during dry spells for the first growing season. If growing as a shrub, hard prune the whole plant in early spring.

Where to grow eucalyptus

Eucalyptus coccifera
Eucalyptus coccifera

Eucalyptus trees look best as specimens, singly in a lawn or border, or as screen planting in a line or group. Ensure there is sufficient room for growth, especially if choosing the largest species. To grow Eucalyptus gunnii as an annually pruned shrub, plant singly or in a small group in a border. Site in full sun and sheltered from cold winds. Soil that drains freely as eucalyptus won’t thrive on moisture-retentive ground. Ideally, soil should have a pH that is neutral to acid, as eucalyptus don't do well in alkaline soils.

How to plant eucalyptus

Eucalyptus parvula
Eucalyptus parvula

Plant eucalyptus in spring or early summer to give sufficient time for the plant to establish before the colder months. Plant into reasonably fertile, well drained soil, but without additional organic matter or fertilizer. Ensure the top of the rootball is level with the surrounding soil, firm in and water well. Secure the tree with a short stake and a tree tie.

How to prune eucalyptus

Juvenile leaves of cider gum, Eucalyptus gunnii
Juvenile leaves of cider gum, Eucalyptus gunnii

Eucalyptus that are grown as trees need no regular pruning. Take out any dead or damaged branches, in early spring.

To grow Eucalyptus gunnii as a shrub, hard prune each year or every second year, in early spring, taking all growth back almost to ground level.

Growing eucalyptus: problem solving

Eucalyptus are trouble-free and needs virtually no maintenance once established, provided they are sited and grown in the right conditions. Soil that is too moist causes discoloured, weak growth and the tree may ultimately die. Strong, cold winds are likely to damage and scorch the leaves.

Despite being evergreen, large eucalyptus trees can shed a lot of leaves over the year. As they are waxy they take a while to break down, so you may find you need to remove them from your borders as a thick layer of waxy leaves could inhibit herbaceous growth in spring. (It's worth thinking about leaves falling on your neighbours' gardens, too.)

Advice on buying eucalyptus

  • Eucalyptus gunnii is widely available from nurseries and garden centres
  • Other species of eucalyptus may sometimes be available or may need to be ordered from specialist nurseries
  • While a range of sizes may be offered, it's best to buy and plant eucalyptus while fairly small (up to around 1.5 m high) so they can establish a good root system

Where to buy eucalptus

Eucalyptus varieties to grow

Eucalyptus gunnii – tall and slender, with blue-green young foliage, maturing to grey-green. Height x Spread: 25m x 12m unless cut back annually

Eucalyptus pauciflora niphophila – this small, spreadubg tree is ideal for smaller gardens. Large, leathery mid-green leaves. H x S: 8m x 8m


Frequently asked questions

Help! My eucalyptus leaves have gone crispy

Eucalyptus plants can develop crispy leaves for a number of reasons, including too much direct sunlight, lack of water and/or humidity, or even fungal diseases. It's unlikely that the leaves will rehydrate once they have become crispy, but you can prevent further crisping of the leaves by giving the plant a good drink if needed, repotting it and moving it to a more humid spot. New leaves should grow quickly. Cut back any stems that have not regrown leaves as these are most likely dead.

My eucalyptus tree is too big – can I prune it?

If left unpruned, eucalyptus can develop into enormous trees to around 25m. As such, they are not suitable for small or medium gardens. However, Eucalyptus gunnii is an extremely robust tree and tolerates being hard pruned, so you can cut it right back to manage its overall size, and it will grow back. Just make sure you then prune it regularly to stop it becoming out of control again. 

Help! My eucalyptus tree has spotted, discoloured leaves

Spotted, discoloured leaves are normal on a eucalyptus tree. They could mean the tree has suffered some form of stress, such as drought or waterlogged soil, but they could also indicate that the leaves are old and the tree is taking nutrients from them before shedding them, which leads to discolouration and the formation of black spots on the older leaves. However, it's important to remember that fresh new growth always follows. If you are concerned about the tree looking unsightly, you can trim it back. In small gardens, coppicing eucalyptus trees leads to the formation of a multi-stemmed bush, and the production of new, young leaves, which are popular with flower arrangers.

Help! My neighbour's eucalyptus tree is too big 

Eucalyptus trees can grow up to 30m if left unpruned, and are prone to being unstable in high winds. If the tree is blocking light, shedding leaves, interfering with a boundary (such as pushing down a wall or fence) or growing too close to your home, you have grounds to ask your neighbours to deal with the problem. Ask nicely if they will prune the tree (eucalyptus trees need regular pruning to keep their size in check) or, if it's growing too close to your house, ask if they would consider removing it completely. You may find that offering to pay for some, or part of the work, will help to reach an amicable decision that works for both parties.
