You can get extra herb plants for free by dividing up pots of supermarket herbs and growing them on.


These are mostly raised from seed, with many young plants tightly packed together in each pot. These can be split into several smaller clumps and repotted at any time during the growing season.

Most need bright conditions, and basil in particular needs warmth. Evergreen shrubs like sage, rosemary and thyme can be divided in spring and grown on in separate pots, then planted outside in containers or borders.

Discover how to divide supermarket herbs, for tasty, free pickings.

Find out how to extend the life of your homegrown herbs at BBC Good Food.

You Will Need

  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Small pots
  • Herbs, e.g. basil, coriander, chives, rosemary, parsley

Total time: 20 minutes

Step 1

Removing the plant from the pot
Removing the plant from the pot

Water the plant well, then gently squeeze the pot to loosen the roots. Carefully slide the rootball out of the pot, supporting the plant with your other hand.

Step 2

Pulling the rootball apart
Pulling the rootball apart

Gently pull the rootball apart to make several small clumps, each with a good set of roots. Shrubby herbs can be split into single plants, or a group of two or three.

Step 3

Repotting the herbs
Repotting the herbs

Replant the herbs into individual pots, setting each clump centrally so it sits at the same level it was in the supermarket pot. Gently firm the plants in.

Step 4

Cutting back the upper foliage
Cutting back the upper foliage

Cut back most of the soft upper foliage to lower buds. Then place the newly divided plants in a bright, warm spot and they'll produce new shoots for use all season.



Supermarket herbs to divide
