Moth orchids, or Phalaenopsis, are tropical epiphytic plants that are native to forests throughout south-east Asia, where they thrive in warm, moist conditions. These beautiful plants will brighten your day, especially when they flower in winter.


Watch Alan Titchmarsh care for a phalaenopsis in our video guide to looking after orchids.

Phalenopsis are easy to care for - just take your lead from their natural environment by providing moisture in the air (for example by misting them, or keeping them in a humid room such as a kitchen or bathroom). Provide a temperature of 15-24°C, plus good air circulation. They prefer an east or west-facing window and protection from midday sun.

Repot every couple of years, keeping the plant at its existing level in the new pot, and support the flower stems with a cane.

Here are four simple steps to caring for a phalaenopsis.

You Will Need

  • Moth orchid
  • Secateurs
  • Clear pot
  • Bark mixture or specialist orchid compost
  • Water
  • Specialist orchid feed

Step 1

Cutting back to a new bud
Cutting back to a new bud

Cut just above a healthy joint on the flowering stem to encourage more blooms from a spike that has finished flowering. Reduce the temperature by 5°C for a few weeks to shock barren orchids into flower.

Step 2

Repotting into a clear container
Repotting into a clear container

Repot into a clear container - the roots benefit from light. Use a bark mixture or specialist orchid compost. Roots that are growing into the air don't need burying.

Step 3

Watering a moth orchid
Watering a moth orchid

Water about once a week in summer and slightly less in winter. Use tepid water from a boiled kettle and soak from the bottom. Don't let them stand in water, but never let them dry out completely.

Step 4

Feeding a moth orchid
Feeding a moth orchid

Feed every other week in the growing season and less in winter. Use a specialist orchid feed sprayed on the underside of the leaves and roots. This will help keep your plant in great condition.
