In this cool bouquet for a gloomy spot, we combine lime-leaved coleus and silver-edged tulbaghia with euphorbia and golden bidens, both of which will keep on blooming whatever the weather. It's ideal for a shady window-ledge, steps or a low wall, as it needs only a few hours of sun a day to maintain its lush and flowery look.


For added drama, try substituting the variegated tulbaghia with black lilyturf, Ophiopogon nigrescens.

You Will Need

  • Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
  • Golden coleus (3)
  • Bidens ferulifolia (2)
  • Tulbaghia violacea ‘Silver Lace’ (2)
  • Window box
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Crocks

Step 1

Planting up the window box
Planting up the window box

Position the window box where you want it, place a layer of crocks at the bottom, then three-quarters fill with compost. Arrange the plants, firm well and top up with compost, then water well.

Kevin Smith says...

Combine golden foliage with a black container to create a modern look with a contemporary feel. The dark container will highlight the zingyness of the plants, giving them plenty of standout when displayed in a shady spot.