

Sun Exposure:
Full shade, partial shade
East facing, south facing, west facing
Position in Border:
Back, middle


Well Drained / Light / Sandy

Baltic parsley (Cenolophium denudatum) is a handsome, easy-to-grow perennial that bears large heads of white flowers above deeply divided rich green leaves. The flowers are borne on leafless, sturdy yet slender stems that are red or purple-flushed. The heads of white flowers are gently domed and made up of many tiny blooms, which are excellent for attracting insects. Despite its common name of Baltic parsley, Cenolophium denudatum is not an edible plant but is so called because it has a resemblance to our native wildflower cow parsley. Native to Europe and Asia, Baltic parsley is relatively new to UK gardeners and is becoming popular with the trend for naturalistic-style plantings, wild gardens, and nature-friendly informal borders. The blooms also make excellent cut flowers.

Cenolophium denudatum thrives in sun or partial shade and grows in any reasonable garden soil, excepting extremes of wet or dry. Once established, Cenolophium denudatum needs very little care. The leaves are often evergreen or semi-evergreen, especially in mild winters, though for tidiness cut back the previous year’s leaves in spring before the new growth is growing strongly. In autumn, the flower stems die off but are best left standing for winter as long as possible, to provide shelter for insects – and therefore food for birds – and to look decorative when misted and spider-webbed or silvered with frost. If hard frosts occur, Cenolophium denudatum is likely to die back to the ground and will regrow the following spring. It's hardy down to at least -10֯C.

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Advice on buying Cenolophium denudatum

  • You can buy Cenolophium denudatum as pot-grown plants – best planted in autumn or early spring 
  • If propagating from seed, bear in mind that the seed needs a period of cold (known as stratification) to germinate, so sow in autumn either directly in the soil where plants are to grow, or in modular trays placed in a cold frame outside

Where to buy Cenolophium denudatum


Plant calendar

Cut Backyes
Collect Seedsyes

Cenolophium ‘Denudatum’ and wildlife

Cenolophium ‘Denudatum’ is known for attracting bees, beneficial insects and butterflies/moths. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers.

Is known to attract Bees
Is known to attract Beneficial insects
Beneficial insects
Is not known to attract Birds
Is known to attract Butterflies/​Moths
Is not known to attract Other pollinators
Other pollinators

Is Cenolophium ‘Denudatum’ poisonous?

Cenolophium ‘Denudatum’ has no toxic effects reported.

No reported toxicity to:
Is not known to attract Birds
Is not known to attract Cats
Is not known to attract Dogs
Is not known to attract Horses
Is not known to attract Livestock
Is not known to attract People