This combination of dark-leaved begonias and heuchera, with flowering bleeding heart, makes for an impressive shade-loving display. Pot this up in a shady corner for a dramatic and long-lasting splash of colour.


You Will Need

  • Lamprocapnos spectabilis ‘King of Hearts’
  • Heuchera ‘Cappuccino’
  • Begonia ‘Botanica’
  • Begonia ‘Bronze Leaf’
  • Carex flagellifera
  • Container
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Water-retaining granules
  • Slow-release fertiliser

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

Adding compost
Adding compost

Add a layer of crocks to the base of the pot, to aid drainage, and then fill two-thirds with multi-purpose compost. Add slow-release fertiliser and moisture-retentive gel, and mix in with your hands.

Step 2

Adding plants
Adding plants

Add the bleeding heart to the centre of the container, ensuring it's level and planted at the same depth it was in its original pot.

Step 3

Adding the begonia
Adding the begonia

Add the begonias and carex around the bleeding heart. Firm the plants well and fill in gaps with more compost.

Step 4

Watering the display
Watering the display

Water the pot well to fully soak the water-retaining gel. Allow the pot to drain fully before moving to its final position.

Kevin Smith says...

Choose a container to complement the tone and colour palette of your plants. This beige planter gives the dramatic foliage real standout and brings harmony to the scheme as a whole. Plant several pots in a similar way to give your patio a coordinated feel.