Fast-growing annual climbers will quickly cover a trellis or obelisk and flower within weeks of sowing the seed. There’s a wide variety of annual climbers to choose from, from traditional sweet peas to more exotic Spanish flag and morning glory. While perfect for a container or border display in their own right, annual climbers are also useful for growing alongside more slow growing perennial climbers, filling the space that they will later occupy. Some annual climbers can be paired in the same display for a dramatic colour combination.


More on growing climbers

Climbing snapdragon

Climbers from seed - Asarina scandens
Climbers from seed - Asarina scandens ‘Mystic Rose’

Climbing snapdragon, Asarina scandens, flowers constantly from mid-summer until the first frosts. Lilac pink flowers cascade among small, ivy-like leaves.

Height x Spread: 2-2.5m x 50cm

Cup and saucer vine

Climvers from seed - Cobaea scandens alba
Climvers from seed - Cobaea scandens alba

Cup-and-saucer vine, Cobaea scandens, bears large, trumpet-like flowers from August until the first frosts. Cobaea scandens alba is a particularly vigorous variety, perfect for covering an unsightly shed or fence.

H x S: 5m x 2m

Moon flower

Climbers from seed - Ipomoea alba
Climbers from seed - Ipomoea alba

Moon Flower, Ipomoea alba, bears fragrant, pure white flowers the size of an open hand open, from dusk until dawn. Perfect for those balmy summer evenings, grow it up a south- or west-facing wall near the patio, for the best results.

H x S: 2.5m x 1.8m

Spanish flag

Mina lobata ‘Jungle Queen’
Mina lobata ‘Jungle Queen’

The flowers of Spanish flag, Mina lobata, dance up the plant like flames, from June onwards. Easy to grow from seed. Pair with a dark-flowered morning glory for a touch of drama.

H x S: 5m x 1m

Creeping gloxinia

Climbers from seed - Lophospermum erubescens
Climbers from seed - Lophospermum erubescens

Creeping gloxinia, Lophospermum erubescens, bears large, pink, snapdragon-like flowers from midsummer, against a backdrop of lush, tropical leaves. Grow it up an obelisk for the best results.

H x S: 2m x 1m

Cypress vine

Climbers from seed - Ipomoea ‘Cardinal Climber’
Climbers from seed - Ipomoea ‘Cardinal Climber’

Cypress vine, Ipomoea ‘Cardinal Climber’, has unusual dark, almost filligree foliage, which provides the perfect backdrop to its bright red flowers. Self supporting with a twining habit, grow it up an obelisk or trellis.

H x S: 2.4m x 30cm

Morning glory ‘Kniolas Black Knight’

Climbers from seed - Ipomoea ‘Kniolas Black Knight’
Climbers from seed - Ipomoea ‘Kniolas Black Knight’

‘Kniolas Black Knight’ bears velvety purple flowers with darker veins, from late June until the first frosts. This dark morning glory works superbly with other climbers such as Spanish flag.

H x S: 2.4m x 30cm

Petunia ‘Tidal Wave Red Velour’

Climbers from seed - Petunia ‘Tidal Wave Red Velour’
Climbers from seed - Petunia ‘Tidal Wave Red Velour’

Petunia ‘Tidal Wave Red Velour’ bears masses of fragrant, velvety-red flowers from May until the first frosts. Train it up an obelisk for dramatic results.

H x S: 1.9cm x 90cm

Morning glory ‘Party Dress’

Climbers from seed - Ipomoea 'Party Dress'
Climbers from seed - Ipomoea 'Party Dress'

This morning glory bears beautiful pink trumpet-shaped blooms with a white throat. It flowers well, from July to September.

H x S: 2.4m x 30cm

Black-eyed Susan ‘Desert Sandstorm’

Climbers from seed - Thunbergia ‘Desert Sandstorm’
Climbers from seed - Thunbergia ‘Desert Sandstorm’

Most black-eyed Susans have orange flowers, but ‘Desert Sandstorm’ has unusual custard yellow blooms with a dark eye. Grow in a warm, sunny spot, and this climber flower until the first frosts.


H x S: 2.5m x 60cm
