How to make willow plant supports
Find out how to make your own plant supports from willow stems, in our How-to guide.
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To Do | yes |
Pliable, young willow stems are the perfect material to use for making plant supports. Easy and quick to assemble, willow supports are attractive features in their own right, before they are eventually hidden by lush plant growth.
Find out how to make your own willow plant supports, below.
You Will Need
- Willow stems
- Bamboo canes
- Secateurs
- Garden twine, or string
Total time: 15 minutes
Step 1

Weave several willow stems together.
Step 2

Bend the entwined willow stems into a circle about 45cm in diameter.
Step 3

Once your circle is complete, trim off any untidy ends, and secure with string if necessary.
Step 4

Insert four willow canes through the circle, so that they form a cross shape to support the plants.
Step 5

Stick four bamboo canes into the ground and thread the circle on top, securing it with string, to finish off your support.