This willow edging is ideal for supporting billowing plants and adding a neat edge to a border. Its rustic appearance will blend into any style of garden. Bear in mind the willow will sprout into leaf in spring, so you'll need to wind in new growth to keep it looking neat and tidy.


You can also make plant supports with metal, hazel poles and bamboo.

Follow our practical step-by-step guide, below, to make your own rustic willow edging.

You Will Need

  • Live willow whips (2m long)
  • Secateurs
  • Garden twine

Total time: 2 hours

Step 1

How to make willow edging - tying the whips
How to make willow edging - tying the whips

Cut about 30cm off each end of the whips. Take two whips and tie them together at one end (butt to tip).

Step 2

How to make willow edging - winding the whips together
How to make willow edging - winding the whips together

Wind the whips around each other and tie them securely at the other end.

Step 3

How to make willow edging - pushing the whips into the soil
How to make willow edging - pushing the whips into the soil

To make an arch, push each end of the tied whips 15cm into the soil. Overlap the arches as you go. Five arches will cover about 1.8m, depending on how far they overlap.

Living willow can be used to make all kinds of garden sculptures, such as tunnels and arches.