Lavender is packed with fragrant oils, renowned for their relaxing, calming qualities. This simple, rustic bath bag will scent your bath water and fragrance the room.


If you're worried about cutting off too much material from your lavender plants, then increase your stock by taking summer lavender cuttings. On the other hand, if you've got a glut of lavender, making lavender bath oil is an indulgent way to use both fresh and dried plants.

Turn bath time into quality time by following our three-step guide to making a lavender bath bag, below.

You Will Need

  • Lavender, dried
  • Square of muslin
  • String
  • Scissors

Total time: 15 minutes

Step 1

Dried lavender
Dried lavender

Take a handful of dried lavender and place it on a square of muslin. Chop the stems to size if necessary.

Step 2

Tying lavender in a muslin bag
Tying lavender in a muslin bag

Take the four corners of the muslin square and tie them together securely.

Step 3

Hanging lavender bath bag
Hanging lavender bath bag

Tie some string around the bag to secure it. Then hang it under the bath tap so hot water can run through it.

Tie a bunch of stems together with string or a rubber band. Hang it in a warm place away from direct sunlight, e.g. an airing cupboard. It can take up to 10 days for the stalks to dry out completely.