Plant Size:
Height: 200
Spread: 75

Golden pothos (Epipremnum or Scindapsus) not only has pretty, heart-shaped foliage that trails or climbs, but it's also one of the easiest house plants to grow. It's tolerant of all kinds of conditions and neglect – it's thought it gets one of its common names, devil's ivy, because it can grow in low light levels and is virtually impossible to kill. Golden pothos can be trained up a pole or along wires on a wall, and also looks brilliant hanging from a shelf or hanging basket.


Also known as Ceylon creeper, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant and taro vine, golden pothos is found growing up the trunks of trees in tropical forests in the wild. It can reach 20m tall but it's only likely to reach about 2m in the average home.

Golden pothos is toxic to humans and animals if ingested, so keep out of reach of pets and children. Its sap can be a skin and eye irritant, so wear gloves when handling.

How to grow pothos

Golden pothos is very easy to grow, in any bright or shaded spot – just keep out of direct sun. For the best results water only when the compost is beginning to dry out and feed once a month in spring and summer.

More on growing golden pothos:

Where to grow golden pothos

left to right on floor Chrysalidocarpus lutescens areca palm Fatsia plants on mantelpiece Hedera Ivy in glass bottle Maidenhair fern in glass vase Epipremnum pinnatum Aureum houseplant Houseplants with Isabelle Palmer 270417 27042017 27/04/17 27/04/2017 27 27th April 2017 Spring photographer Sarah Cuttle horizontal
Pothos growing on a fireplace

Golden pothos will be happy in any room that has a temperature between 10-24°C. It does best in bright, indirect light, out of direct sun, but will also be fine in light or even deeper shade. Bear in mind that deep shade may mean that your golden pothos loses its variegation.

Golden pothos can be trained up a moss or coir pole, and looks beautiful hanging from a shelf or mantelpiece, or cascading from a hanging basket.

How to repot golden pothos

Epripremnum aureum. Getty Images
Epipremnum aureum. Getty Images

Repot your golden pothos in soil-based or house plant compost, in a pot that neatly fits the rootball. If you're growing pothos as a climber, tie the stems to a moss pole or train them along wires up a wall, using twine or house plant ties.

Caring for golden pothos

Golden pothos (devil's ivy).
Epipremnum aureum in a pot

From spring to autumn, allow the compost to dry out between waterings – golden pothos is drought tolerant, and too much water will kill it. Water sparingly in winter.

Feed monthly with a house plant feed in spring and summer. Repot every couple of years into a slightly larger pot.

Cut back the stems if they are growing too long or straggly.

Wipe the leaves if dust builds up on them – this will keep them looking shiny and will help them breathe.

How to propagate golden pothos

Young sprouts of Golden pothos / Epipremnum aureum with root in transparent wineglass and houseplants in terracotta clay plant pot on windowsill at home. Sun light. Indoor garden.
Propagating golden pothos in water. Getty Images

Golden pothos are very easy to propagate from cuttings. Follow these simple steps to propagate golden pothos:

  1. Cut off a stem that has a node (lump) on it
  2. Place it in a glass filled with a few inches of water
  3. Once roots have formed, pot up the cutting in a small pot and water in well.

Pests and diseases

If your golden pothos plant looks a little flat and lacklustre, it probably needs watering. A good soak will perk it up.

Yellow or withered leaves are a sign of underwatering – water gently over a period of a few days to revive it.

Wilted leaves can be a sign of underwatering or overwatering – so check your care regime and adjust accordingly.

If your plant looks leggy, with sparse foliage, trim it back to encourage bushiness. You can use the trimmings for cuttings.

Loss of variegation means your plant is in too shady a spot – move it somewhere brighter. Pale leaves mean it is probably getting too much sun – move it somewhere shadier.

Advice on buying golden pothos

  • Golden pothos are tolerant of low light levels but they may lose their variegation in deep shade
  • Golden pothos either climb or trail, reaching up to 2m, so make sure that you have room for it. If you're buying it to climb, you'll need a support, such as a moss or coir pole
  • You can often find golden pothos in garden centres, but for the best selection, buy at a specialist house plant retailer or online
  • Ensure the plant is healthy, with healthy leaves and leaf-tips, and no signs of pests

Where to buy golden pothos

Varieties of golden pothos to grow

Left Epipremnum aureum Njoy Right Epiphyllum guatemalense f monstrosa hanging hang hung houseplant houseplants 180418 18042018 18/04/18 18/04/2018 18 18th April 2018 Spring Jamie Song Hanging Houseplants location Rotherhithe London photographer Sarah Cuttle
How to grow pothos – Epipremnum aureum 'N'joy'

Epipremnum aureum – the most widely available variety, with large, glossy leaves with cream and yellow streaks.
Height x Spread: 2m x 75cm

Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' (Neon pothos) – vibrant chartreuse leaves that almost look fluorescent.
H x S: 1.2m x 50cm

Epipremnum aureum N'joy – attractive leaves that are variegated with cream.
H x S: 1m x 30cm
