This article has been checked for horticultural accuracy by Oliver Parsons.


House plants have the ability to purify the air. Indeed, a study conducted by Nasa in 1989 concluded that some plants are better for purifying the air than others, removing harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzine and other toxins found in cleaning products, paints and flame-retardants commonly found in the modern home.

However, since 1989 a lot of other scientists have piled into the debate, and the current consensus is that although plants can help to purify the air in your home, you would need to pack your home with greenery to feel any real effects. That said, even a little bit of an impact is better than nothing, so here is our list of 10 great air purifying plants.

More on growing house plants:

Browse our list of the best house plants for a bedroom, below.

Peace lily

Flowering peace lily
Peace lily

NASA research found the peace lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii, to be one of the best air purifying plants. It removes toxic gases like benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. It's a good looking plant, too, bearing dark green, glossy leaves, and white spathes. Grow in bright light out of direct sunlight, and mist regularly to increase humidity.

Height x Spread: 60cm x 30cm

Philodendron scandens

House plants for the bedroom - Philodendron scandens
Philodendron scandens

Several philodendrons were tested in the NASA study, and were found to remove formaldehyde from the air. Many heart-leaved varieties like Philodendron scandens, pictured, can be grown in a hanging pot, from which its leaves can trail attractively.

H x S: 20cm x 80cm


House plants for a bedroom - dracaena

A wide range of pollutants can be absorbed by dragon plant. Grow in a bright spot out of direct sunlight. It's useful for adding height to an indoor plant display.

H x S: 2m x 30cm

Dumb cane

House plants for a bedroom - dumb cane
Dumb cane

Dumb cane, dieffenbachia, is known for its air purifying qualities. It has large, variegated leaves in shades of green with distinct patterning. Grow out of direct sunlight in free-draining compost. Note that the sap of this plant is an irritant, so take care not to get any on your skin.

H x S: 1.5m x 50cm

Golden pothos

House plants for a bedroom - golden pothos
Golden pothos

Golden pothos, Epipremnum aureum, is another winner in the Nasa study, being shown to remove benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air. It's easy to grow – grow it up a coconut-fibre support or let it hang down from a shelf. Take a look at our full guide to growing and caring for pothos.

H x S: 2m x 50cm

Chinese evergreen

House plants for a bedroom - Chinese evergreen
Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen, aglaonema, is an attractive plant loved for its green – and sometimes red-tinged – leaves with prominent cream veining. It takes formaldehyde and benzene from the air, and is easy to care for. Grow in bright light out of direct sunlight.

H x S: 50cm x 30cm


Anthurium in flower

Beautiful anthurium is one of the few house plants bearing flowers over a long period. Its glossy green leaves give way to red spathes. It’s native to tropical forest regions of South America, and so thrives in warm, humid environments. It removes a number of toxins from the air, including formaldehyde.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm

Snake plant

House plants for a bedroom - snake plant
Snake plant

Snake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata, was shown to remove nearly all toxins in the NASA study, proving it invaluable in the home and bedroom. It is one of the best air purifying plants and is easy to grow, too. It does best out of direct sunlight but will tolerate shade. Water sparingly.

H x S: 75cm x 30cm

Rubber plant

House plants for a bedroom - rubber plant
Rubber plant

While not as effective at removing toxins as its cousin, Ficus benjamina, the rubber plant, Ficus elastica, has air purifying properties, including the removal of formaldehyde. This large, impressive house plant is easy to care for – grow in moist but well-drained compost out of direct sunlight.

H x S: 2m x 1m

Spider plant

House plants for a bedroom - spider plant
Spider plant

The humble spider plant has air purifying qualities, and it reproduces readily, meaning you can grow a spider plant in every room of your house for the same price as just one plant. It's shown to remove formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the atmosphere.


H x S: 20cm x 30cm
