Grow perennials
Showing 1 to 24 of 73 results
- Grow plants
How to grow and care for Clivia miniata (Natal lily)
All you need to know about growing and caring fo clivia, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow bergenia
All you need to know about cultivating beautiful bergenias (elephant's ears), in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow gunnera
Find out all you need to know about growing gunnera, in this detailed Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
Five pennisetums to grow
When all else is fading, pennisetums reach their peak – we pick five of the best.
- Grow plants
How to grow Stipa tenuissima
All you need to know about growing Stipa tenuissima (Nassella tenuissima) in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow phormium
All you need to know about growing phormium, or New Zealand flax, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow creeping Jenny
All you need to know about growing creeping Jenny, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow lady's bedstraw (Galium verum)
All you need to know about growing lady's bedstraw (Galium verum), in this Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow Senecio candidans Angel Wings
All you need to know about growing Senecio candidans Angel Wings, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
Plant families: Euphorbiaceae
Find out more about the large and diverse botanical family Euphorbiaceae.
- Grow plants
How to grow and care for monkshood
All you need to know about growing monkshood (Aconitum), in our Grow Guide.
- House Plants
How to grow and care for caladium
Advice on growing and caring for caladiums, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow Polemonium (Jacob's ladder)
Advice on growing polemonium, Jacob's ladder, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow ixia flowers
Advice on growing and caring for tender ixia flowers, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow sweet woodruff
All you need to know about growing sweet woodruff, a popular ground-cover plant, in our Grow Guide.
- Grow plants
How to grow a creeping thyme lawn
Thinking of replacing your grass lawn with creeping thyme? Find out how and why to do so, in our guide.
- Plants
10 aquilegias to grow
Aquilegias are a stalwart of the cottage garden. We've picked our favourites to grow.
- Grow plants
How to grow aquilegias
Find out everything you need to know about planting, caring and propagating aquilegias in this detailed Grow Guide.
- Plants
10 bearded irises to grow
Bearded irises look magnificent in early summer, and come in a variety of different colours and forms. We reveal 10 to grow.
- Grow plants
How to grow bearded iris
Take a look at our comprehensive guide to growing bearded irises, with advice from Monty Don, Alan Titchmarsh and Claire Austin
- Plants
10 beautiful agapanthus to grow
We pick 10 of the best agapanthus to grow, including deciduous and evergreen varieties.