Showing 1 to 24 of 30 results
- Plants
Allotment jobs for February
Follow our checklist of allotment jobs for February and prepare for the growing season ahead.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for August
Find out which jobs you should be doing on the allotment in August, including watering, harvesting and sowing winter crops.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for May
Find out which jobs you can get on with at the allotment in May, including weeding and planting out.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for July
Get advice on jobs to do on the allotment in July, including harvesting, sowing and tackling pests and diseases.
- Plants
Jobs on the allotment in December
Discover allotment jobs for December, including harvesting, pruning and planting bare-root fruit.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for September
Get advice on jobs to do on the allotment in September, including harvesting and sowing.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for October
Discover which jobs you can get on with on the allotment in October.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for March
Get a head start on your allotment this spring, find out what jobs you can do right now.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for November
Discover the jobs you can do on the allotment in November, including planting, pruning and staking.
- Plants
Allotment jobs for June
Discover which jobs need doing on the allotment in June, including harvesting, watering and pest control.
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How to prepare your garden or allotment for winter
Promoted by EvenGreener
EvenGreener has everything you need to get your garden or allotment ready for the colder months ahead.
- Premium
Time-saving tips for busy allotmenteers. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Discover five ways to get the most out of your allotment, when you have limited time. Allotment gardener Rachel Bull shares her top tips
- Grow plants
How to start an allotment
Find out how to start an allotment from scratch, including when and how to start clearing.
- Grow plants
Allotment etiquette
Taken on a new allotment? Discover the unwritten rules of allotment etiquette, in our guide.
- Grow plants
Allotment year planner
Discover all you need to know about planning, starting and maintaining an allotment.
- Grow plants
Coronavirus - can I still go to the allotment?
Can we gardeners visit our allotments during the coronavirus crisis?
- Plants
Tips for a low-maintenance veg plot
Want to grow veg but short on time? Then follow our practical tips.
- Plants
Low-maintenance veg and fruit to grow
Want to grow fruit and veg, but short on time? Here are some easy-care crops to grow.
- Plants
Low-maintenance plants
Our pick of the best low-maintenance plants that require minimal care while looking good.
- Plants
Companion planting: Best plants to grow together
We list 10 companion planting combinations to grow, in the garden and the vegetable plot.
- Plants
Companion planting combinations
Find out how to combine vegetables and flowers on the veg plot, controlling pests and encouraging healthy plants.
- Grow plants
10 ways to work with nature on the veg patch
Wildlife needn't be the enemy – we list 10 ways to work with nature on the veg patch or allotment.
- Solve problems
10 gardening mistakes to avoid
Save both time and money by following these practical tips for gardeners.