With new and exciting, online-only offers being added almost everyday, you'll be sure not to miss any, by viewing our most recently added offers below. Search plant offers by plant type on our main garden offers page.

Your Guide to Roses
Gardening offers
BBC Gardeners' World Magazine logo

Your Guide to Roses

Love roses? Our newest special edition, Your Guide to Roses, is on sale now. It’s full of expert advice to ensure successful blooms, and just in time for winter bare-root planting season. On sale in stores and online now. Subscribers can save 25% by entering their subscriber number at checkout!

Gardening for Shade
Gardening offers
BBC Gardeners' World Magazine logo

Gardening for Shade

Our latest special-edition guide, Gardening for Shade, is packed with tips and inspiration to help you embrace your shady garden. Discover shade loving blooms, ideas for year-round interest and clever ways to make the most of every shady corner in your garden. Buy in stores and online now. Subscribers save 25%, just enter your subscriber number at checkout!

Gardening offers
Gardening Direct logo

BOGOF Begonia 'Super Cascade Mix'

Begonia ‘Super Cascade’ adds a burst of vibrant colour to your garden with its trailing blooms in red, orange, yellow, and white. It’s low-maintenance, weather-resistant, and ideal for containers, window boxes or hanging baskets.

Supplied as 12 x plug plants plus 12 more for free!

Gardening offers
Gardening Direct logo

Surfinia Petunia Collection

’Surfinia’ Petunia has been the top selling trailing petunia for over a decade now, thanks to an ability to produce a seemingly neverending display of colour from May to October!

Supplied as 18 x plug plants.

Gardening offers
You Garden logo

Complete Hardy Garden Perennial Collection

These incredibly colourful, strong-growing perennials will transform your garden from this year. Providing a wonderful display of showy colour and long-lasting structure throughout summer and until late October, they will look great AND attract beneficial insects including butterflies, ladybirds and honey bees.

Supplied as 24 x plug plants (2 of each).

Gardening offers
You Garden logo

Buddleia davidii 'Butterfly Candy' Collection

This Buddleia ’Butterfly Candy’ collection is made up of compact and perfectly formed, patio butterfly bushes that are guaranteed to add some late summer colour and gorgeous fragrance to your floral displays with their intense flower spires.

Supplied as 3 x 9cm pots (1 of each colour).