Showing 1 to 24 of 39 results
- Plants
Garden identifier: weed seedlings
Find out how to spot some of the most persistent garden weeds with help from this ID guide.
- Plants
Removing perennial weeds
Learn about the different root types of perennial weeds and methods to eradicate them from your garden.
- Plants
Weeding garden paths. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Keep your garden paths clear of weeds, with the help of tips in our expert guide.
- Plants
Weeding without chemicals
Keep your plot weed-free with our advice on weeding without chemicals.
- Solve problems
Dealing with bindweed
Learn how to get to grips with hedge and field bindweed, in our expert guide, with advice from Alan Titchmarsh
- Plants
Five ways to get rid of weeds with Alan Titchmarsh
Find out how to get rid of garden weeds using a variety of techniques, from hoeing to digging, with expert advice from Alan Titchmarsh
- Grow plants
Homemade weed killers: tried and tested
Want to try your hand at homemade, natural remedies to control weeds safely? We show you how – and give our verdict on their effectiveness.
- Grow plants
Invasive garden plants
Discover which commonly grown garden plants have a tendency to become invasive, and how to control them.
- Solve problems
What is giant hogweed?
All you need to know about identifying and controlling giant hogweed.
- Solve problems
What is himalayan balsam?
All you need to know about identifying and controlling Himalayan balsam, in our guide.
- Solve problems
Japanese knotweed: How to identify and remove it
Japanese knotweed is an invasive and persistent weed. Learn how to identify and remove it, in our guide.
- Solve problems
Fat hen
Discover how to get rid of annual fat hen weeds, with the help of organic or chemical methods described here.
- Solve problems
Stinging nettles
Learn how to eradicate stinging-nettles, with help from our expert guide.