Once home to the artist EA Hornel, this 18th-century townhouse has an enchanting secret garden created by the artist and influenced by his travels in Japan. Divided by a central path, it features a stepping-stone pool, 100-year-old wisteria, an array of stone ornaments, plus peonies, irises, hostas, magnolias and other favourite plants that appear in his paintings.


Check before you travel

Always check the garden's website or call direct before visiting for up-to-date opening times, other ticket price options, and any one-off restrictions which may apply.

Always take your 2-for-1 Gardens card with you. If you've booked your tickets under the 2-for-1 Gardens offer, show your card on the day to validate the booking.

Please don't make multiple bookings or share your 2-for-1 Gardens card - card misuse will invalidate your discount claim.

Using your 2-for-1 card at Broughton House & Garden

  • One free entry with one full-paying adult
  • 2-for-1 Saving: £8.

Opening details:

For opening details, see garden website.

Entry prices:

OFFER: House and garden 2-for-1 £8.


  • Partial access for the disabled
  • Toilet facilities
  • Accessible by public transport
  • Dogs permitted on lead
  • Picnic area
