Where to site a greenhouse
New greenhouse? Find out where to site it, with the help of our guide.
Where you place a new greenhouse or polytunnel can make the difference between growing success and failure, so it’s important to get it right.
Of course, there may only be one site for your greenhouse but if you do have a choice, it’s worth giving it the best possible position. You’ll need a spot with maximum light and sunshine, away from frost pockets and cold winds.
It may seem a shame to sacrifice a prime location or an already productive spot in your garden, but when you weigh up the increased benefits – being able to grow crops all year round, extending the growing season, raising seedlings and overwintering tender plants – it’s a sacrifice worth making.
More on greenhouse gardening:
- How to build a greenhouse
- Cleaning the greenhouse (video)
- Prepare your greenhouse for spring
- Greenhouse accessories
- Best pressure washers to keep your greenhouse in tip top condition
Discover the six essentials of siting a greenhouse, below.
Ensure your greenhouse has plenty of light

Don’t put your greenhouse directly under trees. They’ll cast shade, which encourages green algae to build up, blocking even more light, while falling branches and leaves can cause damage and block guttering. Honeydew from insects on the foliage of trees can make the glass or plastic sticky and dirty. Tree roots can also upset the foundations and make planting directly into the beds inside tricky.
Site your greenhouse where it's convenient

As you’ll be visiting your greenhouse regularly, particularly during the summer, make sure it’s easy to get to and as near to the house as possible. Whether your visits are for damping down, daily watering, opening and shutting doors and vents, or just nipping in to pick a few tomatoes for your lunch, you'll want it to be close at hand.
Set your greenhouse on level ground

Avoid putting your greenhouse on a slope. Although it is technically possible, it would make things complicated, as the staging inside needs to be horizontal. Definitely don’t site it at the base of a slope, as this is often a frost pocket where coldness lingers – which doesn’t make for successful winter growing.
Site your greenhouse east to west

If you want to grow crops all year round, it’s best to line up the ridge of the structure to run east-west, as this will maximise light during the winter. It will also help it to heat up more quickly after cold nights. If you only intend to grow summer crops, aligning the ridge north-south is preferable as it gives an equal amount of sun to each side and helps to reduce overheating on the hottest days.
Make sure there's space around your greenhouse

Ensure there's at least 1m of space all around your structure. Not only does this make putting it up easier, but it’s useful when panes or covers need replacing, and when cleaning or simply walking past. Leaving this space will also mean that fences and other structures aren’t close enough to cast shade or hinder ventilation.
Provide good soil in your greenhouse

If you’re planning on planing directly in the beds inside your structure, choose a spot with decent soil, if you can, as you’ll be asking a lot from it. Poor soil can be improved by digging in organic matter, and raised beds an be a good option. Try to avoid stony or rocky ground, as it can make the construction process problematic.
Essential kit for your greenhouse
Once you've put up your greenhouse, there are some key things you'll need. Find out more, in our guide to essential kit for a greenhouse.