How to shape box topiary
Find out how to shape box topiary into distinctive shapes with the help of our advice.
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Box is an incredibly versatile plant that is perfect for trimming into topiary shapes, including balls, spirals and much more.
The best time to trim box topiary is late spring. This will encourage the development of side shoots.
These new shoots can then be cut in midsummer to create a well-defined surface in whatever shape you wish.
This will again cause sideshoots to grow - the plants can be given a final shaping and tidy up if necessary in early autumn.
Always use sharp tools to shape topiary - this will mean that stems are cut cleanly, not crushed.
Here's how to trim box topiary.
You Will Need
- Box plants
- Secateurs
- Hand shears
- Metal snips
Step 1

Use secateurs, scissors or single-handed shears to cut young topiary or intricate forms. Cut back the young current season's shoots (which are a paler green) when they have reached 8-10cm long. Cut back to two leaves from the base of the new shoot. Avoid cutting into the previous year's older growth, which will be a darker green.
Step 2

Trim lightly until the basic form is clearly visible - it's easier to trim again rather than cut drastically, ruining the shape. Thicker stems or any parts of the plant that need careful shaping, such as the top of this spiral, should be cut with sharp secateurs.
Step 3

For box hedges and edgings, trim the new growth using a pair of garden hand shears. For the top, make sure that you keep the blades horizontal to get a level surface. Cut back to a couple of leaves above where the current growth starts.