Phormiums survive well in most conditions and there are some wonderful dwarf varieties that are perfect for growing in pots. Here, we combine dwarf variety 'Alison Blackman' with heather, carex and heuchera for dramatic effect. It's the perfect container for a shady corner and will last well into winter.


You Will Need

  • Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
  • Phormium tenax 'Alison Blackman'
  • Heather plants (3)
  • Carex 'Evergold'
  • Container, large, glazed
  • Crocks
  • Multi-purpose compost

Step 1

Adding crocks to the pot
Adding crocks to the pot

Cover the bottom of the container with crocks, to stop the compost falling out of the drainage hole.

Step 2

Adding compost to the pot
Adding compost to the pot

Fill the pot thwo-thirds full with compost.

Step 3

Planting up the pot
Planting up the pot

Arrange the plants in the container, starting with the phormium, followed by the heather and heuchera, and finally squeezing in the carex. Fill around the plants with compost and firm in well.

Step 4

Watering the plants
Watering the plants

Water the pot thoroughly and allow to drain before moving it to its final position.

Kevin Smith says...

Don’t just rely on flamboyant blooms to create a container display with impact. This collection of beautiful leaf colour and texture has good looks, with the added bonus of a long season of interest.